In this tiny little tutorial you will learn how to turn your images to black and white and adjust the levels to make it look right.
Let's Get Started:
1. Ok so I'm sure that you already have your image open so first you will need to select Image -> Adjustments -> Desaturate.
2. You will now have a not so great looking black and white image like the following.
3. Ok so the last thing we need to do is adjust the levels. Select Image -> Adjustments -> Levels from the file menu bar. Ok so this part I cant help you out to much with. Each person has a different idea of what the image should look like. From this window drag the three pointers around till the image looks right to you. This will take a little practice, but I will show you what my choices were for this image.
4. Ok you're done. Just for good measure I will show the the before, middle, and after of the images we worked on.
You're Done! Enjoy this new little tool we've placed in your arsenal.